In The Guitar Paradise

In the fall 2017, I did a private workshop for two bands in Ehingen, Germany. On my way back, I stopped by my friend Ludvík who introduced me to his friend and band mate. We came to his house on Sunday evening to see his guitar collection. Ludvík raved about it but since I’m not a “guitar gearhead” (well, there are slightly different options on this in our house…), I was just looking forward to strum a few nice guitars. However, when we were introduced to the room with his collection, I was blown away. Over 40 pre-war instruments plus a few “new” ones hanging on the walls and what more – all in a great shape and easy to play. I was allowed to do so, so I did for a few hours.

The next day on my way home I decided to record a solo guitar album. I’ve always been amazed by solo flatpicking guitar as it provides me great listening pleasure and a big performer’s challenge. I was hoping that my new friend would agree I could use his guitars – and he did! I’m not new to solo flatpicking guitar – you can find several original guitar tunes and guitar covers on my Video page and on my first solo album “Ataman“. But this new project will require a lot of work as I have to choose or write the material, come up with arrangements for solo guitar, do the actual recording and post-processing and all the other work related to releasing a music album. And most of all – a lot of practicing ahead of me.

Public promise is a huge motivation for me and that’s why I write this post. I’m so excited about the plan that I’ve already put a few ideas together. This is one of them: my version of the old Carter Family song Wildwood Flower.

14 thoughts on “In The Guitar Paradise”

  1. Ondro je z toho cítit že se ten žánr stal kusem tebe sama a tak si oprávněn to uchopit po svém posouvat to dál. Moc hezky se to poslouchá.
    Milda Toman

  2. Great idea to record another solo album. I’m looking forward to hear more from your new project. And don´t forget to visit me, my family and friends when you are back in Germany again.



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