I’ve just finished the first case for calssical guitar. More images and information are on facebook. We’ll soon start with custom production. If you are interested, contact me for more information.

I launched a new website dedicated to guitar cases I make. You can learn about features, details, materials, options, prices, see what’s in stock and some photos at www.atacases.eu. Ondra KozákI’m a musician and tutor who likes asking Why? and talking with clever people. Sometimes I write something. You can learn about what I’m doing … Read more
I’ve just finished the first case for calssical guitar. More images and information are on facebook. We’ll soon start with custom production. If you are interested, contact me for more information.
I’ve just finished the first prototype of hard shell case for dreadnought guitar. Check out some pictures here and stay tuned for more news about ATAcases (the best way to do that is to subscribe to my mailing list at the bottom of this page).